Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Day in the Life

It's the final week of iHomeschool Network's NOT Back-to-School Blog Hop, and today we are discussing a typical school day!

So, we haven't officially started our 2013-2014 school year yet, but here is a look at the plan for that "perfect" homeschool day! Haha! Do those even exist?

Let's start off by pointing out that I am not a morning person AT ALL, so no getting up at 5am for me! Often times, I'm up very late the night before getting the next day's lessons together, so I aim to be up around 8am.

8am - Everyone is up! Dress and make ourselves presentable to the public IF we are going out that day. Brush of teeth and hair is required everyday. ;-)

9am - Breakfast for the kids. Usually coffee and reading the morning headlines via the computer for mommy.

10am - The official school day starts with Baby Boy in his play area...from here we just kind of do things in a similar order each day taking the time we need for each subject.

  • Reading of a chapter in Psalms (if not done at breakfast)
  • Math meeting as a group
  • Big Girl starts working through her workboxes while I do math and phonics with Big Boy.
  • Check in with Big Girl to see if she needs any help with her work.
  • Continue with Big Boy's lessons showing him how to go through each of his workboxes.
12pm - Break for lunch. We usually take a full hour break giving the kids time to play outside if it's nice.
  • Science class together
  • Both kids continue through workboxes until all subjects are complete while I get in some one-on-one time with Baby Boy before putting him down for his afternoon nap.
  • Finish up any art projects.
3pm - This is my goal for being finished with the school day! All the kids go to their rooms for quiet time/naps because at this point I am pretty much mentally exhausted and need the break myself. This also gets them a mental break before evening activities ranging from music and karate to church activities and family visits.

Dinner happens with a great deal of variety. My husband's work schedule is ever changing, so the time often depends on when he'll be arriving home. This is one area of scheduling that he feels I need to work on to provide the kids with better stability in our day, whereas I feel the sitting down together as a WHOLE family outweighs the importance of a time on a clock. It's just one of those areas where we differ and are working towards a solution.

As I said this is a good day and on paper. Putting it into practice rarely looks this good! If I'm particularly tired or the kids aren't all that cooperative, this often gets chucked out the window. My goal for this year is to be more consistent with sticking to the outline, so we'll see how that goes when we start things up NEXT WEEK!

Want to join in on the blog hop or just see what others are doing? Click the pic below!

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