Friday, July 24, 2015

2015-2016 Curriculum Choices

I have a middle schooler this year! Ack! How did that happen? Around here, the first year of middle school won't be much different from elementary since Big Girl will still have many classes with Big Boy. Speaking of classes, here's what I am planning to teach and what curriculum we'll be using.

Big Girl - 6th Grade

Math: Saxon Math 6/5 & 7/6 - She really struggled with math last year, so we are going to hone in and focus this year to get her back on track and on grade level.

Science: Apologia Anatomy & Physiology

Humanities: Tapestry of Grace - history, geography, art, literature, vocabulary and writing

Worldview: Apologia Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?)

Character: Cat & Dog Theology

Spanish: Rosetta Stone - We won't be starting this on day one, as we are still working to get a classroom computer, but the plan is to add this as soon as we do.

P.E.: Karate & Softball Off-Season Training

Big Boy - 3rd Grade

Math: Saxon Math 3

Science: Apologia Anatomy & Physiology

Humanities: Tapestry of Grace - history, geography, art, literature, vocabulary and writing

Worldview: Apologia Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?)

Character: Cat & Dog Theology

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

P.E.: Karate

Baby Boy - Kindergarten

Math: Saxon Math K

Phonics: Saxon Phonics K

Worldview: Apologia Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?) - Colors while the lesson is read.

Character: Cat & Dog Theology - Colors while the lesson is read.

Baby Girl - Birth to 3

Baby Girl really doesn't have a set curriculum; however, she has weekly therapy appointments along with monthly specialists. This takes an extensive amount of our schooling time, so I've got to take it into consideration in all planning.

That's our year and what we're using! Off to figure out how to fit it all into our day. *wink*